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Heroku Deployment Guide

Oren Kanner edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the Reservations Heroku deployment guide. Please select which of the following methods you're using to deploy to Heroku: Heroku button or Heroku toolbelt / CLI.

Heroku Button

Deploying to Heroku with the Heroku button is quick, easy, and a great way to get an instance of Reservations up and running quickly. The steps for a fully-functioning deployment are as follows:

Set up deployment

  1. Click on the "Deploy to Heroku" button in the README
  2. Create a Heroku account or sign in to your existing account
  3. Enter an application name (this must be unique across all users of Heroku)
  4. Enter the instance hostname for the RAILS_HOST_NAME config setting
  5. Click the "Deploy for Free" button

Finalize instance configuration

  1. When deployment is finished, click on the "Make your first edit" link
  2. Click on the "Settings" link
  3. Click on the "Reveal Config Vars" button
  4. Click on the "Edit" button
  5. Copy the MANDRILL_APIKEY var into the RES_SMTP_PASSWORD var and the MANDRILL_USERNAME var into the RES_SMTP_USERNAME var and click the "Save" button
  6. Click on the "Resources" link
  7. Click on the "Scheduler" add-on link
  8. Schedule hourly and daily rake tasks
  • Note that these jobs will consume Heroku resources and can result in your application costing you money. For more information see here.

Edit instance settings

  1. Visit your instance (
  2. Click on the "Sign In" link on the top-right corner
  3. Log in with the email [email protected] and password passw0rd
  4. Visit the application settings
  5. Edit the settings to your liking and click on the "Update Settings" button on the bottom of the page; make sure to change the "Admin email" setting to your e-mail address so you receive notifications [screenshot - edit_admin_email.png]
  6. Visit your user profile
  7. Click on the "Edit Information" button on the bottom of the page and edit your profile as desired; make sure to change your "Email" and "Password" at a minimum

Have fun!

Heroku Toolbelt

Include two sections, one for Heroku button deployment and one for generalized deployment (e.g. using rake app:setup and manual configuration of the application, see this comment).

Instructions go here:

  1. Click on "Deploy to Heroku" button
  2. Instructions in Heroku form (w/ screenshots)
  3. set up app name
  4. properly enter RAILS_HOST_NAME
  5. Post-deployment instructions (screenshots)
  6. set up e-mail authentication configs
  7. change the superuser login info / profile
  8. change the app configs (particularly e-mail)
  9. schedule cron jobs if desired